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Sichuan Hengde Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Sichuan, China
주요 제품:중국 전통 의료 기기, 산소 집중 장치, 소독기, 신속한 테스트 키트, 건강 관리 및 의학
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About HendMedical
A history glorious company
HendMedical is a company that has 83 years of history.
Established in 1938, hengde pharmaceutical firstly was a factory that does medical consumables such as gauze, syringes, and infusion sets during the second world war. Until 1998, Hengde has developed its' very own production line of producing Tetracaine Hydrochloride Jelly, which after 20 years of clinical application, most hospitals are using the product.
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